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Soap Alchemy Soaps


Basic Castile - Lemon Zest Soap
					    with pure Extra Virgin Olive oil,
					    Cocoa Butter and other natural ingredients.





Soap Alchemy Soaps




Goat Milk - 
								 Coconut Pineapple Soap




Soap Alchemy Soaps



(hemp-seed): noun

The seed of hemp. Hemp seeds are comparable to sunflower seeds, and may be used for food and milk, tea, and for baking, like sesame seeds. The hemp seed is actually a very tiny nut covered by a thin shell.

Hemp seeds are one of the world’s richest sources of a complete protein (second only to soybean) comprising 23% of the seed composition and 34% dietary fiber. Whole hemp seeds contain a rich array of minerals, particularly phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and calcium, along with modest amounts of iron and zinc. It is also a fair source of carotene, a "Vitamin A" precursor.


(rohz-mair-ee): noun

An evergreen shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, of the mint family, native to the Mediterranean region, having leathery, narrow leaves and pale-blue, bell-shaped flowers, used as a seasoning and in perfumery and medicine: a traditional symbol of remembrance.


Customer Testimonials:

I have assorted allergies and thought that I would have to use an expensive medicate soap for life but found Soap Alchemy soap. I use both neem tree soap and the castile soap. I've really cut down on the use of lotions.
Jennifer B. Pittsburgh PA 2009-11-18

I just want to share some positive feedback with you regarding your product. My skin is VERY sensitive! I can not use soap from the regular grocery store or even from some health food stores. It seems like if there is one unnatural ingredient in a soap, my body knows and it is not pleased. So I tried your lovely Rose-Geranium soap. Not only do I love it but my skin does too! I was VERY reluctant to try it because of previous experience with products that are supposed to be 'natural.' Your staff assured me that your stuff is the real deal though so, I gave it a try. I'm glad I did!
Jane H. Erie PA 2009-05-06


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Exfoliating Soap Hemp Seed Oil with Hemp Seed Husks - Specialty Soap - Exfoliating Soap

Hemp Seed Oil with Hemp Seed Husks - Specialty Soap - Exfoliating Soap

Our Hemp seed bar is largely hemp seed oil, along with grape seed, cocoa butter, palm kernel and coconut oils, making for a very rich gentle lather. The Hemp Seed Husk make this a great exfoliating bar. Scented with essential oils of Rosewood, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus Radiata.
* One Quarter Moisturizing lotion
* Natural Glycerin
* Exfoliating Soap (Hemp Seed Husk)
* Part Certified Organic Ingredient(s)
* Part Certified Rainforest Alliance Ingredient(s)
* Part Certified Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Ingredient(s)
* Vegan Ingredients
* Soy Free Product
* Essential Oil(s)
* Green, Renewable Ingredients and Manufacturing
* Made in Pennsylvania, American Made
* No Petroleum based ingredients
* Display Items not included
Ingredients: Hemp Seed Oil1, Distilled Water, Cocoa Seed Butter1, Grape Seed Oil, Palm Kernel Oil1,3,4, Sodium Hydroxide, Evening Primrose Oil, Rosewood Essential Oil, Clary Sage Essential Oil, Eucalyptus Radiata Essential Oil, Cajeput Essential Oil, Hemp Seed Husk, Jojoba Seed Oil1, Sodium Lactate, Rosemary Oil Extract (ROE)
1Certified Organic
3Certified Rainforest Alliance
4Certified Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Bath Bar 1 bar 7.00 oz $12.95
Facial/Hand Bar 1 bar 3.25 oz $ 6.95

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