soap (sohp):
A cleansing agent, manufactured in bars,
granules, flakes, or liquid form, made from a mixture of the sodium
salts of various fatty acids of natural oils and fats.
alchemy (al-kuh-mee):
Any magical power or process of
transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a
substance of great value. |
Alchemy Links
Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild, Inc. is an international non-profit
professional trade association.
Our mission is to promote the handcrafted soap
industry; to act as a center of communication among soap makers, and
to circulate information beneficial to soap makers. The Handcrafted
Soap Makers Guild, Inc. has a mission to make everyone aware of the
wonderful goodness of handcrafted soaps. As with all art,
handcrafted soap is as varied as the number of soap makers there
Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida (GLCCSF) serves
the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community, providing
information, education, advocacy, support, human services, cultural
experiences and social opportunities. The center works to foster
personal development and quality of life for the entire community.
They embrace individuality and diversity, work together, and promote
awareness, acceptance, celebration and pride.
Our Soap Alchemist orginially up shop once a month at
the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of South Florida at the monthly
flea market Bizarre Bazaar! We thank the GLCC Community center for
their support in giving Soap Alchemy its start.
Real Handmade Soap - At www.realhandmadesoap.com
where soapmakers of handmade soap gather.