Soap Alchemy Soaps


Lemon Soap Alchemy Soap





Soap Alchemy Soaps




Coconut Soap Alchemy Soap




Soap Alchemy Soaps




soap (sohp): noun

A cleansing agent, manufactured in bars, granules, flakes, or liquid form, made from a mixture of the sodium salts of various fatty acids of natural oils and fats.

alchemy (al-kuh-mee): noun

Any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.

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Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter and you will receive a coupon code in your Welcome Email for a FREE 3.25 oz Bar of Soap Alchemy Soap when you purchase any 5 bars from our online store!*

To get your code, simply enter you email in the sign up box in the side bar on the right. Follow the instructions and then you will get your coupon code in your email box.

Once you have the code, simply choose your 5 bars of soap by shopping in our online store. Once you are at the check out screen, click the link "add special instructions to seller" and then enter your coupon code in the box that appears along with the email address you used to sign up for the newsletter and your choice for your free soap and we'll send it along with your order! If you do not choose what you would like your free bar to be, we will send you one of our favorites!

Do not enter the coupon code with the link that says "enter gift certificate, coupon code or reward" as we do not have that set up to accept coupons at this time...

Please DO NOT add your free bar to the shopping cart as it will be added and charged for! Simply choose your bar in the comment section and we'll do the rest.

Thanks and enjoy!

Keep an eye on this page as we will be adding specials on a regular basis!

We hope that you find as much enjoyment out of using our soaps as we do in crafting them. We're sure that once you try our Hand Crafted Soaps, you will never again want to purchase another commercially made bar or bottle of liquid soap again!


*Offer is only good for one free bar per person and is not to be used by opting in, getting your code, opting out and then opting in again.


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