goat milk (gohtmilk): noun
Milk from the doe or female goat, In soap making, it is used for super-fatting soap which creates a more emollient bar and creamy lather. Goat milk contains 13% more calcium, 25% more vitamin B-6, 47% more vitamin A, 34% more potassium, 350% more niacin, and 27% more selenium than cow milk. Goat milk is also higher in chloride, copper, and manganese. The milk is naturally homogenized since it lacks the protein agglutinin. The curd is much smaller. The milk also has a more similar makeup (percentage of fats, etc.) to human milk than cows milk. vanilla (vuh-nil-uh): noun
Any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla, esp. V. planifolia, bearing podlike fruit yielding an extract used in flavoring food, in perfumery, etc. natural brown sugar (nach-er-uhl broun shoo g-er): noun
A name for Raw Sugar which is a brown sugar produced from the first crystallization of cane. Raw sugar is more commonly used than processed white sugar. As such "natural brown sugar" is free of additional dyes and chemicals. There is more molasses in brown sugar, giving it a higher mineral content. superfatting (soo-per-fat-ing): adj.
Leaving some of the oils and fats in the finished soap producing an emollient soap bar. |