basic ((bey-sic)): adj. Of, pertaining to, or forming a base; fundamental. floral ((flawr-uhl)): adj. Of, relating to, or suggestive of a flower. eucalyptus ((yoo-kuh-lip-tuhs)): noun A myrtaceous genus of trees, mostly Australian evergreen trees or rarely shrubs, that have rigid entire leaves and umbellate flowers and are widely cultivated for their gums, resins, oils, and useful woods. Many of them grow to an immense height, one or two species exceeding the height even of the California Sequoia. |
Customer Testimonials:
This is Jay from Baltimore and I have a rare disorder called Hidradenitis suppurativa( a form of acne ). I thank our good Lord that it isn't very bad, many people have it much worst then me. Soap Alchemy's Neem and Tea Tree Oil soap calms my break outs down and leaves my skin subble. Thanks so much for giving this world such a great product. Jay Baltimore 2010-02-22
It's official: I've become a soap snob! :) When I'm out and about I can't stand using the commercial soaps. After using them, my skin feels so dry, tight and yucky! I'm now carrying a baggie with a sliver of my beloved Soap Alchemy with me wherever I go!!! My fave? Avacado Spearmint! Or Lemon Zest! Or Green Tea... and Chamomile! Or Vanilla Oatmeal! Or Shea Butter.... OK, so I can't choose just one!! :) Amy H. Avon OH 2010-03-10
 Our Products
Basic Castile Soap |
Basic Castile Soap
Our basic castile soap, 100% natural, available in unscented and scented. Made with Soybean Oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil, Palm Kernel, Cocoa Butter, Babassu, and Jojoba oils, this soap is simple yet a healthy clean feeling. Great for your entire body, hands face and hair. We hope you enjoy the selection of unscented and scented bars of vegetable soap.

Basic Castile Soap - Cedar Details Our Cedar Soap, Basic Castile Soap with Cedar Essential Oils added. Cedarwood Virginian is considered calming, an expectorant. Cedarwood Atlas is considered comforting, reviving and an aphrodisiac. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Floral Citrus Details Our Basic Castile Soap with a wonderful exfoliating bar. The scent is a sweet floral with a hint of citrus in it. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Ginger Details Our Basic Castile Soap recipe with Ginger essential oil added. Ginger is one of our commonly requested soaps. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Grape Seed/Citrus Details Our Basic Castile Soap with a wonderful exfoliating bar. We use crushed grape seeds, added to the soap and giving it a rich color. The scent is a sweet floral with a hint of citrus in it. The bar was created for one of our customers who wanted something a little stronger than oatmeal or shredded coconut. Great for use on rough skin areas. Amber loves it by the way. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Just Oatmeal Details Just Oatmeal is our Basic Castile Soap with Oatmeal added. Oatmeal is known for its gentle skin conditioning and mild exfoliating properties. Combine the oatmeal with our Basic Soap recipe containing Extra Virgin Olive and cocoa butter oils and you have a great Oatmeal bar for your skin. No essential oils have been added. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Lavender Details Our Basic Castile soap with Lavender, which has a wonderful history of over 2500 years. It has been used for antiseptic properties. Back in the 16th 17th centuries, lavender was used in washing to resist infection. Hospitals during WWI used Lavender to disinfect. Lavender has a relaxing calming and uplifting effect. We take our Basic Castile Soap and add Lavender essential oils to it, creating a refreshing Lavender bar. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Lavender Oatmeal Details Our Basic Castile soap with Lavender and oatmeal, a wonderful combination. Our oatmeal is certified gluten free. The oatmeal is partly ground and partly whole oatmeal, making for a pleasing mild exfoliating bar. Lavender has a wonderful history of over 2500 years. It has been used for antiseptic properties. Back in the 16th 17th centuries, lavender was used in washing to resist infection. Hospitals during WWI used Lavender to disinfect. Lavender has a relaxing calming and uplifting effect. We take our Basic Castile Soap and add Lavender essential oils to it, creating a refreshing Lavender bar. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Lemon Eucalyptus Details Basic Castile Soap recipe with Eucalyptus. A refreshing eucalyptus and lemon scent created from Eucalyptus globulus and citriodora essential oils. The Eucalyptus citriodora gives this the pleasant lemon scent while maintaining the characteristic eucalyptus scent. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Lemon Zest Details Our Basic Castile Soap recipe with lemon and lime zest and essential oils giving this bar a clean lemon fresh scent. A nice creamy lather with of lemon and lime zest and a lemon fresh scent. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Mint Oatmeal Details Mint, its wonderful. This is a mixture of Spearmint, Peppermint and other essential oils, giving this bar a nice gentle yet present mint fragrance. Oatmeal is known for its gentle skin conditioning and mild exfoliating properties. Combine the oatmeal with our Basic Castile Soap recipe containing Extra Virgin Olive and cocoa butter oils and you have a great Oatmeal bar for your skin. Now using Gluten Free Oatmeal!! |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Patchouli Details Our Basic Castile Soap recipe with Patchouli. Patchouli is described by some as a strong pleasant mossy, musty fragrance. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Peppermint Oatmeal Details You like it a bit stronger? You like that mint tingle? Try our Peppermint Oatmeal bar. Its the same wonderful Just Oatmeal bar with Peppermint essential oil, added to make you tingle. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Rose Olive Details Basic Castile soap with Gentle rose Geranium essential oil bringing out the freshness in this wonderful bar of soap. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | Out of Stock |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | Out of Stock | Basic Castile Soap - Rosemary Olive Details Basic Castile soap with rosemary leaves and Rosemary essential oil. This draws a lot of attention, people love the scent and the visual appearance of the rosemary leaves in the bar. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Unscented Details Basic, yes, simple and clean. Using a majority of Extra Virgin Olive oil and rounded out with palm kernel/coconut, cocoa butter, babassu, soybean and Jojoba oils, this soap is simple yet a healthy clean feeling. Great for your entire body, hands face and hair. The scent of this bar is of the natural oils. No essential oils have been added. Simple and clean. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | | Basic Castile Soap - Vanilla Oatmeal Details This sounds like a cookie. Well, its not meant to be eaten, but its great for washing your body. The vanilla and oatmeal combine to give a wonderful gentle Vanilla scent. |
Bath Bar | 1 bar 7.00 oz | $9.75 | |
Facial/Hand Bar | 1 bar 3.25 oz | $4.95 | |